Feb 28Liked by Becky Isjwara

These are incredible!!

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Thanks Emma! To more pictures on Substack!

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“The great thing about living a creative life is that I’m never short of material to share.” Love that. Get well soon Becky!

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Heck yeahhh! Thanks John :)

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absolutely admire ur photes Becky! hope u feel better soon 🙏🏼

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Thanks so much Linart!

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Want to hear more about No Bad Parts, the big meeting, and thoughts on My Neighbor Totoro! I recently saw The Boy and The Heron.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Author

No Bad Parts is so far good though it's exercise-heavy and I am not in the mental space for that 🙈 The big meeting was successful, though I lost my voice afterwards. And Totoro is a cute Disney-esque movie that is sooo adorable! I love it. How do you like The Boy and The Heron?

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Congrats on the good meeting, and hope your voice has returned!

I mentioned The Boy and The Heron because it's by the same director. I heard Totoro is his best, so want to see it someday. The Boy and The Heron was a trip. Very visually stimulating, almost immersive. You feel like you've entered a surreal alternate universe, sorta Murakami-esque. There were a few too many plot twists and loose ends for me, but I also liked feeling a bit uneasy because it opened my mind. If you approach it like an art film, I think you'll enjoy it.

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Feb 28Liked by Becky Isjwara

Beautiful! Recently watched the show Expats and now Hong Kong has come to top of my want-to-visit list.

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You're always welcome here :)

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Nice job nailing focus, they look great =)

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Thanks so much Michael ^^

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