Becky, this came out beautifully. Something feels different from the past few pieces I've read from you – your writing voice sounds more self-assured and strong.

So good meeting you this cohort and looking forward to joining one of those idea gyms sometime :)

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Thanks for stopping by, Kora! Rik was saying my voice sounds very different in this piece too. A little bit more sure and a little bit more strong.

Good meeting you too, and we should definitely hang again :) You're welcome to drop by the idea gyms any time!

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I can't remember who said it, but somebody notable made the comment that marketing is part of the act of making art. The subtitle of this article totally grabbed me. I'm really enjoying the tools and community being made available on Substack. There are purists out there who are saying having a Substack is still giving up control, but I'm so good with off-loading the tech, email list functioning, and back-end baloney to someone else for a fee so I can focus on the connecting with others.

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That's so true! Outsourcing an insanely time-consuming task is so worth the fee, especially when one is running Pivot to the Podium. The economics really do matter. Thanks for stopping by, Rick!

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YAY! This was a great ready, Becky. I loved this:

"When I decided to start writing on Substack, I was encouraged by two things. One, it was six months after I had stopped being a reporter, so I didn’t have any worries about being an objective and neutral party. Two, I wanted to hone in on my thinking."

Honing in on thinking has really surprised me about writing. It was cool to see that idea come through in this essay.

ALSO- emailing you about the Thursday idea gymssss

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Thanks for stopping by Emma! I'm digging the stories and thoughts that you flesh out in your essays. It's lovely to read your Substack every week.

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Such a great piece! I can see why Kara is your north star.


“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a [person] changes [their] own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards [them]. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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Thanks for sharing the lovely quote! And appreciate you stopping by :)

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Loved this Beck :) also sorry for promoting the pun on notes but also not sorry cuz I love it

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Awww yes! No sorry needed. This is a good pun and I'm glad I get to use it :p

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Loved the article! I came from a journalism background myself in college. There were looking questions from my peers about what kind of jobs would be available after school & I ended up going into tech, though not as a journalist. I still appreciate the ability for reporters to sort through information to give their audience an accurate representation of a given event. Though like you mentioned the biz side is hardly addressed.

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Yeahh it's really hard for the economics to make sense and I don't think anyone has figured it out yet... Otherwise these companies wouldn't be shutting down whole coverage areas I think! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I think about this a lot but I really don't have the answer for it :/

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Echoing what Kora said about voice change. What a privilege to witness the progression. And also, I didn't get a chance to cast a vote but the new name definitely takes the cake :) Looking forward to connecting at weekly gyms!

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