"Knowledge can be free but practice isn’t. And the feedback on said practice is priceless." That is SO well said. That's the irrefutable value of taking courses boiled down to its essence.

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Yes yes yes!! Thanks Rick for stopping by

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Love the round up Becky. Feel like the components of writing, therapy and meditation all support each other. Nothing better than investing in yourself.

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Thank you John! I thought the trinity would work so well together, but I underestimated the transformational impact it would have.

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Since starting my own practice, I've also invested a ton in online courses. Write of Passage and Photography for Creatives are the best ones I've taken in the last couple of years. Also glad to hear you're investing in therapy and the Waking Up app :)

Thanks for the Slow Holidays shout!

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!!! omg PFC should be on the list!!!! I knew I was forgetting something. PFC was amazing and I still use the tricks I learned from it.

It's a slow way up with Waking Up but I'm getting there :)

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If/when you get through the core ~30 day training, check out the courses on there from Loch Kelly :)

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Great reflection and love the lifelong learning you’re incorporating into all parts of your life. Interested in these art classes, too! ✨

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Taking art classes as an adult is so FUN. I love them more than I did when I was a kid.

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such an inspiration! also a lovely way to round up the year.

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Thank you Hsu <3

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"I won’t immediately earn my writing course fee back in paid subscriptions or sell a painting that covers the watercolor course fee. But the magic of learning is that the new knowledge and skills permeate throughout my life." -> Yes! Love how this essay turned out!

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Thanks so much, Lavinia! Couldn't have done this without you :)

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Timely conversation as Andrew and I are debating charging for the workshops on the Flora Project site. I am people value it more whenever there is a price tag attached

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So true! And for people who can't afford it but want to attend, they will most definitely find a way to reach out to you.

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I love seeing the actual numbers here! I’ve also recently changed my mindset around online courses, I see them as an investment rather than a cost (this is new for me this year!)

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Same here! I don't know why it took me so long. But I'm glad I'm here on this side of things now. The value unlock is incredible.

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I resonate with this so much! I love free learning too, but having the ability to take a course and really lean into the learning and practicing was also so important for me. “Knowledge can be free but practice isn’t. And the feedback on said practice is priceless.” So well captured here! I also like that you added therapy to the list. I’ve been thinking about it the same way recently, I pay for a coach for a lot of things, why not my general well being and mental health? Great piece!

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It took me SO LONG to figure out that it's time for me to go to therapy. It's been so worth it many times over! Thanks for stopping by, Michelle

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